Evolution & Civilization
Some years back, well let me put it this way, some thousands of years back - remember when man wasn't fully erect, could eat anything he could spear, cut and chew, did not care whether it had enough sugar, calcium or protein in it, did not mind the cholesterol levels in his blood and only obeyed his hunger. Lots of good times.
Everything we eat now has to be calculated for calories, I hate to say it but I do mind munching on the fourth slice of that extra cheesy pizza. Not because I do not want to eat it, only because it wouldn't do much good to my health. I dont add extra sugar to my coffee, well actually cant afford normal coffee, only decaf. Reason, my folks wouldn't appreciate me staying up all night just cause I can't get sleep with all the caffiene in my blood. Its not like I could use that extra energy to go out and hunt down some extra food for the winters. I calculate the calories in the snack bars, I eat lotsa greens, ration'd proportions of dairy, well you get the idea.
I still envy the folks in pre civilization times when they used to eat everything. I did not want to evolve to stand erect and worry about my spine. I did not ask to be civilized to cook everything I eat and get used to digesting dairy. I am not for evolution and civilization if it makes me work extra hard to earn my meals and makes me watch my diet. But then again I am evolved and civilized so I will follow the rules and norms of the society. Time to go finish off my fifth slice of that extra cheese pizza only after I peel the cheese off of it. ;)
I have a buddy who eats anything he wants - He also rides atleast 20miles a day. Eat anything you want to as long as you can burn it off. Also the concept of civilization is an illusion - we aren't totally barbaric - not the same as living in a civilized word. /getsoffsoapbox
Lolcatz =^_^=
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