Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Crappy device

You know its not a good day for technology when a device that is considered to be a big breakthrough in the tech world stops working and starts frustrating you. Well that is the day for me today.

I recently purchased an iPhone. Now for people who dont know what iPhone is, it is the standard for smartphones as some might like to put it. I initially liked the phone a lot but not so much lately. The phone is slow, takes forever to load the apps, drops calls all the time, runs out of memory (oh yeah! I see the oom msg pop up almost everyday) and most of the apps dont even work. Not to mention the sluggish 3G network of AT&T and weird battery draining problem.

So today I decided its time to pay a visit to the genius desk at the mac store. The guy there basically ran a quick sanity health scan of the device and decided that there is nothing wrong with the phone. When I tried to discuss the issues I have had lately, he ran the list of issues and their reasoning which pretty much pushed iPhone out of my fav 5. This is how the conversation went.

Me (M) - So what do you think
Genius (G) - Your device is working fine. There is nothing wrong with it.
M - But the battery keeps draining all the time.
G - Oh. About that. You need to turn off wifi to save your battery. Wifi has a tendency to drain batteries.
M - mmm... But I need Wifi for faster access to content.
G - Not just wifi, you will have to turn off or better manage your 3G and push mechanism for email. These usually need a lot of power to keep running and are the primary reason for draining your battery.
M - But I need my mail and 3G gives me faster downloads where wifi isnt available.
G - Yah about that, 3G from AT&T isnt really that great. So you arent really gaining anything there with 3G turned on.
M - Oh. So whats your recomendation now.
G - You have about 100 apps on your device and thats basically chewing up all available RAM. You will end up with OOM no matter what you do unless you delete some of these apps.
M - (in my mind, but iPhone is famous for its apps)
G - and you might want to download the memory freeing apps to keep your device running.
M - Alright. Thanks (in me mind - for this sucky device.)

So I began a quick comparison of this phone and the Windows Mobile phone I had before. I used to run multiple apps, had easy access to outlook servers, could connect to windows machines without any issues, built in media players, better call quality and service from Sprint. This phone had none of those but for the form factor.

Bottom line -> iPhone - useless crap = nothing. (unless I see some improvement with the phone) If you are looking for more info on love/hate relationship with the iPhone, here is an interesting article on msnbc. Check it out. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/32177251/ns/technology_and_science-wireless/wid/11915829/

This is just venting out my frustration with the phone, please do not take this as a review for iPhone or reco for their Genius bar service.



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