Celebrating 8th Anniversary
EIGHT. Now that is a very good number for a lot of reasons. But the reason for celebrating it this time is - Its been 8 years since I headed out to the US of A looking to make a name of my own, to finish higher education, get a Masters degree, find a job and get settled down in life.
Though the first few years were kind of rocky, dont even want to recollect those days, life's finally taken the high road to success. 8 years later on this day I do have a sense of accomplishment in whatever I talk about or do. I have a lovely wife, a good job, beautiful home, family members all settled and happy. Cant be asking for more in 8 years.
But before I close, thank you God for making sure this happened and thanks for all the good stuff you have in store for me. And now the closing note, thanks everyone and special thanks to the special people for standing by me through thick and thin and making sure I got to where I am today :).
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